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Matt Sewell's Record Collection To Feature In Special Vinyl Factory Feature!

John Kertland Artwork Balearic Chill Mantra Mantra Box Matt Sewell Meditation Tantric Test Pressing Yoga

The esteemed and esssential Vinyl Factory music style and culture 'site are going to run a special feature on A Crushing Glow curator Matt Sewell and his eclectic record collection .

Matt is well known as a long-time music listener & collector and has a wealth of knowledge gained over a lifetime of digging . Vinyl Factory will be talking to Matt about his influences and the music that has shaped the A Crushing Glow series to date.  Matt's last release on Caroline True Records the acclaimed Gayatari Mantra 12" is still available , but is selling quickly .. Keep a look out for the feature-more news soon !

Buy the Mantra 12" HERE :

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